Educators' Perspectives
Riad Mahmood
– Founder and Managing Trustee Head Start Educational Academy
– Founder Early Years Montessori
The responsibility of education has evolved. For us at Head Start it is not just about imparting literacy. Education has the ability to give children agency; the power to bring about waves of change and the power to build a peaceful society. How do we make this happen?
Children have shaped me to be the person that I am today: a better teacher and educator
Roopa C
– Director
Head Start Pre-Schools
Summarising my journey of over two decades with Head Start and all the children who have been under its umbrella is an extremely emotional and difficult task. It would be impossible to capture the multitude of learnings and memories in a brief writing.
The journey is different with each and every child
Premalatha S
– Head of Primary Programme
Head Start Educational Academy
On the first day, fresh from completing my Montessori course, I walked into the Head Start environment and the children took over! At least for the first few weeks. Slowly and steadily, I understood my place in the learning environment. It has been a wonderful journey with lots of ups and downs, laughter and tears, disappointments and fulfilment, and of course, great learning.
The Everyday Chronicles of a Middle and High School Teacher
Nithya Girish
– Head of Middle School
Head Start Educational Academy
There are some general ideas about teenagers––that they are impulsive, confused, and self-centred beings. Let’s face it, these are not easy years. Children experience rapid growth spurts, increased need for sleep, hormonal changes, and often lack the ability to concentrate on intellectual work for long periods of time.
Priyanka Trehan
– Head of Higher Secondary School
Head Start Educational Academy
Our High School Programme encourages students to imbibe the philosophy of each discipline––be it Humanities, Commerce, or Science, we constantly come back to the seminal questions: what makes us human? What are the connections between commerce and development? What are scientific ethics? What is a multidisciplinary perspective? High school has an atmosphere of co-learning where the teachers and students are engaged in interactive discussion-based sessions.
The Essence of Exercising for Children and Young Adults
Tejas D. Venkatesha
– Director Sports
Head Start Educational Academy
What does exercising have to offer children? Aren’t they already so active and energetic?
The most commonly asked question I face, is what kind of exercise the child can/has to do. Weights? Endurance? Functional training? CrossFit? etc. What, how and where should my child start? My child is not interested in any sport, how can I help?
A safe space that allows each child to enjoy a process
Samta Shikhar
– Director Theatre
Head Start Educational Academy
When a little one enters a theatre session saying "I want to do it, but I don't want to go on stage"; or, "Can we question the education system, will the school get upset?" that we realise the freedom to question that our school has given children.
Chandni, Elizabeth, Kunj, Najla, Payal, Preethi, Ritu, Sangeetha, Sowmya
– Montessori Adults
Working with children is a privilege. We find ourselves in a world of wonder, simplicity, innocence, and unconditional love. The children are the same, the environment is the same; yet every single day is different! We look forward to what each day may bring.
The Primary (Elementary) Child
Deepa, Nafisa, Nalini, Padmaja, Padmini, Sunitha, Mallaree, Uma
– Montessori Adults
An Elementary child is eager to explore the world with their imagination and reasoning skills. What can we offer and what will satisfy this bundle of energy whose questions about why, what, how, where, and when never seem to end?
Tanuja Viswanath
Shriya Rao
In middle school, the child goes through a tremendous phase of exploration and growth. The middle school child can be compared to many things: ... The common thread is that of significant and tangible change, and outstanding potential.
Chanakya Vyas
– Theatre Facilitator
In the last eight years of teaching Theatre at Head Start Educational Academy, I have realised that being a teacher is a creative endeavour. The tag of creativity is often attached to artists, but that is a very limited view of the word ‘creativity’ itself, as the etymology of the word creō means "to create, make".