
Our Growing Community

We have travelled with our children and they with us. We have grown together...and shared a purposeful journey. What is wonderful about our journey is that it continues, along different paths and avenues, but with a specific find ourselves within the connectivity of the universe. At Head Start, our greatest joy has been connecting with children, and seeing them evolve from infancy to early adulthood; and being part of a team that shares a culture that is an integral part of our philosophy.

There are many factors that keep a family together. In the case of Head Start, one of the strongest factors has been the loving support we have received. From children running in everyday with smiles and warm hugs, to caring and committed educators and team members; to the trust and goodwill of parents, and the strong belief in our philosophy and methodology, led by the spirit of Maria Montessori. We have never been market-driven or oriented towards promotion. We feel and connect deeply to human reality, to the world around us. Throughout our history we have had strong connections with people and places; to those that have touched our lives. If we can find answers to human questions through peace and understanding, perhaps we will contribute in a tiny way, to building a community of thoughtful individuals who can make discerning choices.

From Our Parents
From Our Students
From Montessorians