We had such a feeling of inner calm and felt the real Montessori philosophy

Wendy Compson
Educational Consultant and mentor for Montessori schools

I have such happy memories of my visits to Head Start. From the minute we walked into any of the classes, we had such a feeling of inner calm and felt the real Montessori philosophy emanating from every activity that was being completed by the children of different ages. I will always remember the two little boys washing down the tables and giving them the most thorough cleaning while working on them in the corridor outside the classroom. Their conversation was delightful and they were totally absorbed in their chosen task. I can still see the youngest children working at their little floor tables, again oblivious of any visitors in the room, just carrying out their chosen task with total concentration, focus and independence.

The visits to the older children's school buildings stuck in my mind because of the brilliant surroundings and environment they were studying in. What lucky children and I remember being impressed with their outgoing personalities, happy to share everything they were doing with the ladies from England. Thank you for the opportunity to share in your Montessori dream.

Wendy Compson has 30 years’ experience of owning and running a school for children from 3 months to 11 years using the Montessori method. She is an educational consultant and mentor for Montessori schools internationally, from infant through to high school age groups and with a special interest in the outdoor environment. Wendy is a MEAB (Montessori Evaluation and Accreditation Board) assessor who feels passionately that the high standards achieved by Maria Montessori should be maintained. She helps nurseries, schools and their leaders to give as many children as possible the opportunity to develop their individual personalities; to help them to help themselves.

Posted in From Montessorians, Reflections.