Head Start is the place where I was able to change my thinking and notions about the Child

Dharini Srinivasan
Founder Principal Dishaa Montessori House of Children

Head Start is the place where I was able to change my thinking and notions about the Child. From a fairly naive perspective of the untrained adult who believes that it is we who mould the Child, I was able to understand how wrong that was. From the early 90’s for over a decade and a half, Head Start was my second home.

Head Start was a wonderful bunch of devoted Montessorians who gave their best to their work. Judging by its popularity I’m sure the team there continues to give their best.... guided in no small measure by the experience of Samina and Riad.

On the completion of 35 joyful years I wish them the very best; to give from the heart to many more generations.
With love.

Posted in From Montessorians, Reflections.