The Montessori Environment
Exercises/Activities of Practical Life – Life skills | Our world is a Sensorial world | The world of Numbers | Language | Connectivity, Creativity, Culture

Our world is a Sensorial world

“To teach a child whose senses have been developed is quite a different thing from teaching one who has not had this help.”
– Maria Montessori

In a competitive and materialistic world that places emphasis on consumerism, marks and outcomes, children must be allowed to recognize and appreciate the intangible qualities of life. We have observed that they achieve great development academically, but what sets Montessori education apart is that it also focuses on social and emotional intelligence. Emphasis on the natural world and its wonders helps children be sensitive to the environment and build a harmonious rapport with those around them.

We build a knowledge and understanding of the world through our senses, not just through listening, watching or reading. The quality of learning is directly related to the quality and quantity of the experience the child receives. The Sensorial materials in the environment develop the senses of the young child by isolating a defining quality such as colour, weight, size, shape, texture, sound or smell. Each sensorial discovery or experience is internalised and remains with the child throughout his/her life.

Montessori considered each of the senses and thought how best she could help children bring clarity to, and expand their existing experiences. Many of the exercises in this area are also indirect preparations for later mathematics and language work as they enable the child to classify, put in order, and describe sensory impressions in relation to length, width, temperature, mass and colour. Looking after ourselves and the well-being of the environment we share, are important considerations.