Our Programme

Our Montessori programme looks towards development of the ‘whole’ child, physically, sensorially, emotionally, intellectually; as an individual and as a member of a community. It is child-centered, offers creative choices and enables each child to work according to readiness and ability. Development is not determined by a child’s age, but rather by understanding. The learning environment allows children to evaluate their own standards rather than base them on the expectations of others, respect and accept members of the community, and be discerning.

Head Start believes strongly in the philosophy of Maria Montessori who genuinely loved and respected the Child. She used the phrase ‘House of Children’ rather than the word ‘School’ as it becomes a home away from home. Each child becomes a member of a small community in a specially prepared environment. Every environment has a mixed age group of children between the ages of two and a half and six years. Children spontaneously share, learn from each other and develop cooperative social interaction, which brings about confidence, respect for others, appreciation of individual differences and joy in helping each other.

Ages: 2½ to 6
Pre Primary Programme Sessions/Timings
We offer two sessions for our Pre-Primary Programme. Children attend either one of these. Both sessions have the same duration, time-wise. Those who prefer a leisurely morning or later start to the day find the later session ideal.
Year 1: 8.30am to 12.30pm
Year 2: 8.30am to 2pm
Year 3: 8.30am to 3pm
Year 1: 1pm to 5pm
Year 2: 11.30am to 5pm
Year 3: 10.30am to 5pm

A Mixed Age Group Community

Life’s community is not made up of people of one age group; we live in a community with a range of ages, experiences and abilities. The Montessori classroom is a realistic representation of the world outside. As children interact on a daily basis with others whose ages and abilities are varied, they learn at their own pace. They also learn to help and be helped. When older children help younger ones, they actually share their own understanding and mastery of concepts. The younger ones learn naturally from the older ones. Watching children help each other is always a joyous experience in the Montessori environment.

Parents’ concerns about the teacher/child ratio can be put to rest. There are many teachers in the environment with the older children assisting the learning process and being responsible for their little community.

The Extended Session

The Extended Session is part of the last year at the Pre Primary, basically the year before children move to Grade I in different schools. They get used to a longer day and an extended work cycle. Children from the Morning Session stay from 8.30 am to 3 pm and those in the Afternoon Session are with us from 10.45 am to 5.15 pm.

Age is not the only criteria for the Extended Session. Both academic and emotional readiness are considered and discussed with our parents.

Learn more about The Montessori Environment

Early Years Programme

Early Years Montessori offers an Infancy Programme (15 months to 3 years).

  • Children join Early Years Montessori around the age of 15 months and remain there until they are ready to graduate to our Pre-Primary programme at Head Start Montessori House of Children, Koramangala.
  • This is an automatic transition and happens between 2½ to 3 years of age.
  • Children who graduate from Early Years to Head Start Montessori House of Children are not required to pay an admission fee again.

Learn more at: https://earlyyearsmontessori.org