...it is a community of teachers and students and parents who support each other no matter what
Sanya Verma
Student at Head Start from 2005 till date
Now in Grade XI
It was early November in 2011, I was in theThird Grade and was a part of the 'East Zone' in the Food Festival organised by the Primary and Middle School teachers of Head Start. We had been preparing for days on end, using any spare moment in between learning long division, to practice our lines for the presentations.
On the day of the Food Fest, I can vividly remember feeling tremendously nervous and my teacher holding my hand and telling me that I was going to do an incredible job. I fumbled up some of my lines, and splashed a couple of drops of tea on a friend by mistake, but the teacher's vote of confidence before I walked up on the makeshift stage was enough for me to finish my presentation confidently.
This has almost always been my experience with Head Start, it is a community of teachers and students and parents who support each other no matter what.
Over my fifteen years in this school, I have been encouraged to do the very best that I am capable of; in academics, sports, music and many other fields.
Congratulations to Head Start for turning 35 this year and a big thank you to Riad Sir, Samina Aunty and every educator who has ever been a part of my journey with Head Start.