Wish the soul of this institution touches many more lives

Mohit & Puja Mathur
Head Start parents from 2005 till date
Parents of Shweta and Dev

Although we cannot find enough words to capture how we feel about Head Start, here are some words which express our thoughts.

With a gentle warm cuddle she held my little ones
As they walked into a world so beautiful
They could only dream

A garden of learning with the warmth of a home
Where she could learn how to be human before taking on the world

Showing my child what makes her unique
Discovering her passion and finding a world full of music

Making the mild and the nervy script their own tale
Building character and not getting lost in the maze of a race

A temple of learning not just for the child
Where parents can run to and find answers sincere and wise

Our love for you from the depths of our hearts
Wish the soul of this institution touches many more lives
Making an impression which lasts forever
And shapes the child for a bright and happy future.

With best wishes.


Posted in From Our Parents, Reflections.